sobota 12. července 2014

Hello there!

As I promised you all back home I will try to keep in touch with you and you can keep in touch with my adventure through this blog :)

So I have successfully landed in Vietnam! (proof: see picture) I promise to send more pictures, but I feel kind of weird to take pictures of random people on the street, I will try to overcome that feeling I promise!

My trip was looong and funny. A very funny taxi driver (in Budapest!!! I may give Budapest 100th chance to prove that it is not a bad place in the end, maybe) took me to the airport and he was telling me how my mum was sad in Bratislava because I was leaving. As I traveled with russian airline (completelly safe really!) the plane from Budapest was packed with russians and there were kind of strong turbulancies. So every time the plane moved someone started to yell. It sounded like when they cheer with vodka but more in a scary way. At the airport in Moscow I found some vietnamese family and we were looking for the gate together because the airport was huge. Their son invited me to visit them in Vietnam, so I inconspicuously escaped.

It has been crazy here. Like not in a bad way but just all the things that are happening. After one year in Denmark when I was sometimes hoping to meet people on the street just to see human being (and let´s face it, people in Denmark are not one of the easiest people to approach and talk from time to time ;)) I moved to a place where people stare at me, yell at me, touch me and are friends with me just by seeing me. 

Story to prove.

I decided to go for a walk near the river. As I was walking and some random guy came to me, shaked my hand and told me "friends, friends". On my way I found the most difficult obstacle in form of the biiiig highway. As there was no place to cross it after like one kilometer (or something like that, you know that I am very bad in this meter/temperature/kilos/age/sometimes gender guessing) I decided to change plans and explore neigbourhood. I got lost like five times. After two hours of wandering around the place I found my street! YUPIII! At that time I was totally exhausted by all the staring, I really don´t know how this famous stars can deal with that. I have to learn from them :) I was very hungry so as a true foreigner I ended up in KFC which doesn´t taste as our KFC chicken so I basically tried mixture of vietnamese and american taste together (but I bought some not-known-for-me fruits in shop so I compensate it with that :D). 

I have already checked some places in the city center. Actually I was planning to go for some sightseeing today but as I am here for rainy season it is raining a lot! I don´t know exactly how much because my room doesn´t have a window (but I am changing room in 2 weeks that has balcony and is totally cool so I will send picture of this cool place rather than this one) and there is not window in the building I can check the rain.

Funny facts that really surprised me:
  • They sell animals on the street! dogs, cats, birds are those I have seen. I feel kind of sorry for these small animals in really small cages, I just hope I won´t buy any because their sad eyes are really convincing (of course not bird´s eyes, but the doggie and even cute kittens)
  • I saw rooster ín the parking place. I tried not to freak out! 
  • When I was changing the money in the bank, the woman was calculating it on a paper with a calculator.
  • There is music playing everywhere. I like it!
  • When you go to shop you have to put your bag in a bag-keeping place, you take only your wallet and you go shopping. In the end they pack all your stuff and you go. Nice, but this will make me lazy back in Europe, specially in Slovakia where if you are not quick enough people start to be very nervous about that!
Ako som Vám sľúbila budem sa snažiť udržiavať kontakt cez tento blog. 

Tak som šťastne priletela do Vietnamu. (obrázky ako dôkaz na konci). Pokúsim sa fotiť viac, ale mám taký čudný pocit fotiť náhodných ľudí na ulici akoby boli nejaké opičky alebo čo.

Celá cesta bola veľmi dlhá ale zato zábavná. V Budapešti som cestovala s veľmi vtipným taxikárom, ktorý mi hovoril o tom ako sa o mňa moja mamička doma bojí (mami neboj všetko je úplne ok!). A keďže som cestovala s ruskými aerolinkami, lietadlo bolo plné rusov a boli silné turbulencie. pri každom pohybe niekto zakričal, takým tým ruským spôsobom keď pijú vodku a tancujú kalinku len viac vystrašene. Na letisku v Moskve som si našla kamarátov, vietnamskú rodinku, a spolu sme našli východ lebo to letisko je obrovskééé! Nakonci ma ich syn pozval na návštevu tak som sa radšej nenápadne presunula, lebo on sa až moc nápadne posúval ku mne.

Zatiaľ je to tu také v dobrom šialené. Keďže po roku v Dánsku, kde som si sem tam želala aby som niekoho na ulici stretla som sa presunula na miesto kde ľudia na mňa kričia, chytajú sa ma, volajú na mňa.

Taký príbeh zo včera!

Rozhodla som sa ísť na prechádzku k rieke. ako si tak idem príde za mnou chlapec, zatrasie mi rukou že "friends, friends". Ďalej som na tejto púti postretla prekážky ako veľkú diaľnicu vďaka ktorej som sa teda k tej rieke nedostala lebo po asi kilometri (tak cca) kráčania som nenašla žiadny prechod, nadchod, podchod no nič. Tak ale to ma neodradilo tak som sa rozhodla preskúmať okolie. Asi päťkrát som zablúdila a nakoniec som našla moju ulicu. A keďže som bola už totálne vyčerpaná z toho pokrikovania rozhodla som sa ísť ako pravý cudzinec-objaviteľ najesť do KFC. Ale KFC vôbec nechutí ako naše KFC takže to nakoniec bol taký mix vietnamského a amerického jedla (ale kúpila som si v obchode také ovocia, čo ani neviem ako sa po slovensky povedia takže to sa kompenzuje!)

Už som bola aj v centre. Aj dneska som tam plánovala ísť, ale začalo pršat a prší. Ale keďže nemám okno a v celej budove nie je okno kde by to bolo vidieť, neviem ako veľmi prší len to počujem :D Ale za dva týždne sa presťahujem do veľmi peknej izby s balkónom! 

Pár zaujímavostí:
  • Na ulici predávajú zvieratá! mačiatka, psi, vtáčiky. Je mi ich strašne ľúto tak pozerajú tými malými očkami na mňa, dúfam že mi to nebude natoľko ľúto, že si nejakého kúpim (mami tešíš sa? :D)
  • Na parkovisku bol kohút! prežila som to našťastie!
  • Keď som si bola zameniť peniaze pani v banke to všetko vypočítala na papier a kalkulačkou.
  • Všade hrá hudba!
  • Keď idem do obchodu musím odložiť svoju tašku na takom miesto odkladacom. Zoberiem si peňaženku a idem nakupovať. Nakonci mi zbalia celý nákup a idem si domov. 

Sending all my love 
Posielam pusinky


Discovering neighbourhood
Objavovanie okolia

That big highway I couldn´t cross (like 1/4 of that highway)
Tá ulica čo som nevedela prejsť (teda štvrtina tej ulice)

Garden near pagoda at my street
Záhrada pri pagode na mojej ulici

2 komentáře:

  1. Veronika, it sounds so great! I miss you so much <3 Take care!
    BTW I look forward to Czech version of your articles! (Just kidding.)

    1. jeeej ja som si nevšimla, že si mi tu komentovala! aj miss you too <3 a ak chceš môžeš prekladať moje článočky do češtiny ;)
