čtvrtek 31. července 2014

How it is to live in a city without public transport

Ok just to correct myself there are some buses that are promenading up and down here but I have seen like one bus stop and no schedule or something. Everybody rides a motorbike here so there si basically not need for much proper public transport (but they plan to build underground some time around 2030!). Their riding skills are really poor, there are basically no rules (or maybe they are but nobody follow them or these are rules and I totally don´t get them) and everybody rides like they please. As we all know how it is with me and orientation and big cities and maps in general... We are not best friends let´s say or better said we are the worst enemies and I don´t understand this concept of orientation in space at all!

This city has around 8.2 milion inhabitants (according to wikipedia). It is imposible to walk longer distances because of the really high humidity, after five minutes you get totally sweaty and disgusting. Not to mention that there are people around you so close near you that you really can smell every physical odor.

So now imagine me and desperation during first days (now there is nothing that would stop me!). I was standing near the street with a huge will to go to supermarket. It was nice day (the rainy season was not hitting so strong during my first week). I came to a crosswalk and stopped. I was standing there a long time when some random person came to me and helped me cross the street (thank you young man, God will repay it on your kids!). I bought everything (in that time I was convinced to cook for myself) and with two huges bags I went home. I came to crosswalk and stopped. After like fives minutes of self-convincing that I am totally a strong woman and one hundred milion motorbikes won´t stop me, I did it. I crossed the street, I was so proud of myself! These motorbikes don´t drive very fast but they drive so close to each other that it just look like big chain of motorbikes (mostly at 8am and 17pm). When I came home I has to take a very long shower. I don´t need to go to sauna, I just go to shop!

Next challenge came when I was supposed to get to one place because of my work. Till then I used to rely on nice friends who came to my place and picked me up. My host arranged xe om (motorbike taxi) that came to my place. It was very pleasant but as this man didn´t talk english and I didn´t want to bother my host or I didn´t know how to tell her because she doesn´t speak english and the first time my friend helped me, yes I really don´t need a group of people to survive here and I am totally self-sufficient woman, I catched a xe om on the street. This crazy smelly man (as showed up latter, my neighbour) went like crazy in that old half-destroyed motorbike, he took me through some small hidden shortcuts with awkward smell. In the middle of this ride I started to pray for my life and lifes of all the potential victims of this ride but we came happily in the end. The next ride was even more funny. As it is usual here nobody tell you "I don´t know" or "no" in general. As we went I have started to feel that the man kind of doesn´t know where we are heading (in this time I went to this place like third time so I remeberer that we really don´t need to go to the highway). Time to get from my apartment to the working place usually takes like 10-15 minutes in regular motorbike with a crazy driver. This took us like 35 minutes I discovered hidden places of my district but happily came to the right place. And one last story from yesterday. On our way in huge trafic our motorbike stopped working (the driver forgot that he needed fuel to make the motorbike work) in the middle of the motorbike flow, so he took the motorbike near the close pavement and I ran away walking home.

I am now looking forward for new experiences connected with the transportation, my friend had to stopped a taxi last time to take her like 100 meters from where she was standing because she just couldn´t cross the street. So this is sooo Vietnam!

Dobre tak aby som zase nepreháňala je tu pár premávajúcich sa autobusom, ale videla som asi jednu zastávku a žiadny jízdní řád. Všetci tu jazdia na motorke takže tu ani nemajú potrebu vybudovať riadnu verejnú dopravu (vraj planujú vybudovať metro v roku 2030). Vodičské schopnosti miestnych nie sú tiež veľmi exceletné, skôr by som povedala, že si jazdia ako sa im chce a nejaké pravidlá tu buď neexistujú alebo toto sú tie pravidlá a ja ich totálne nechápem. Nejazdia rýchlo, ale oni skôr tvoria takú dlhú reťaz motoriek že je ťažké to zastaviť a jeden druhého predbiehajú a sú strašne blízko pri sebe. A všetci vieme ako je to so mnou a orientáciou v priestore, mapami a veľými mestami, veľmi chabé, neexistuje tam žiadny spoločný bod kde by sme si rozumeli. 

Toto mesto má podľa Wikipedia 8.2 miliónov obyvateľov. A je nemožné chodiť pešo kvôli vysokej vlhkosti, za pár minút som mokrá ako myš. A hlavne keď ľudia tu príliš nerešpektujú nejaký telesný odstup (pani profesorska na NOSKE mala pravdu keď nám hovorila, že v Ázii sú tieto dištančné zóny dosť posunuté), tak v pohode môžte každého cítiť už z diaľky.

No tak si predstavte moje zúfalstvo prvé dni (teraz idem jak víchor nič ma nezastaví. tak sa som rozhodla, že idem do obchodu (vtedy som si myslela, že si tu aj variť budem). Postavím sa k tej ulici a stojím tam už pár minút. Zrazu ku mne príde nejaký človek a pomôže mi cez cestu (vďaka Ti mladý muž, nech ti to Pán Božko na deťoch odplatí). Tak som si urobila urobila veľký nákup a šťastná som sa vybrala vybrala spať. Znovu tam stojím asi päť minút a hovorím si že Veronika si silná žena toto dáš jak nič. A nakoniec po asi ďalších troch minútach som to dala! Taká pyšná som na seba bola. Keď som prišla domov dala som si takú dlhú sprchu. Tu nepotrebujem chodiť do sauny, tu je sauna skoro všade kde nie je klimatizácia!  

Ďalšia výzva prišla keď som sa kvôli práci musela presunúť na jedno miesto. Dovtedy som sa spoliehala na mojich kamarátov, ktorí ma odviezli kam som potrebovala. Tak mi moja domáca ráno zavolala xe om (motorkový taxík), ale keďže tento pánko nehovorí po anglicky a ja som ju nechcela zase otravovať lebo ani ona vlastne nehovorí po anglicky a tento xe om mi vybavil môj kamarát (áno som tu extrémne sebestačná!) tak som si na ulici jedného stopla. Taký milý smradľavý pánko (nakoniec som zistila, že je to môj sused) nakopol ten svoj polorozpadnutý stroj a už si to išiel jak strela. Cez nejaké tajné smradľavé uličky, v polovici jazdy som sa začala modliť za svoj život a život všetkých potencionálnych obetí našej jazdy, ale nakoniec sme šťastne dorazili. Ďalšia jazda bola zaujímavá lebo ako som už spomínala ľudia sa tu väčšinou tvária, že vedia kde sa čo nachádza a "nie" alebo "neviem" ako odpoveď neexistuje. Tak sme si teda šli a už s ami to zdalo, že tudy cesta nevede, no a neviedla, tak sme si pekne z asi 10-15 minútov cesty urobili asi 35 minútovú a spoznala som rôzne časti môjho distriktu. A posledný príbeh je zo včera keď nám to skapalo v strede toho prúdu aút (kamko zabudol, že na to aby tá motorka fungovala treba aj benzín), ak nás dotlačil na kraj cesty a ja som si pekne šla domov pešo.  

Teraz sa len teším na ďalšie zážitky. Moja kamarátka si minule musela vziať taxík asi na 100 metrov lebo nevedela prejsť cez cestu. Vitajte vo Vietname!



pátek 25. července 2014

How I ended up as a "teacher"

Last week my friend asked me if I don´t want to visit a language center to talk with students because they usually don´t have chance to speak with foreigners. For me it was the best experience and most eye-opening experience since I have come here. I have told you about people approaching me for a talk, but just in this moment I fully understood it.

Let me explain little bit the educational system in Vietnam. Kids have usually activities conected to school the whole day. They go to school in the morning and to afterschool activities in the afternoon. As good as it may sound the afterschool activities contain extra classes of math, english, biology etc. Basically the activity that their parents had planned them to shine in not what they chose to shine in. When I was small my parents supported me in every stupidy that came to my mind (not meant in a bad way). I used to go to swimming, lessons of english, russian, dancing, I even went to waterpolo like three times then I realized that it was not really for me. But the important things was that all this activities were chosen by me and they just gave me their support. Parents in Vietnam don´t have much time for their kids so they plan million activities for them but my personal opinion is that kids sometimes just need to spend time with their loved ones and not with a math book. Yesterday I talked with my colleague whose mum pushed her to study accounting however she hated math and found the job boring and not fullfuling (in the end she found completelly different job and she likes it, happy ending!). Another girl told me that she had had to learn by heart numbers about the american-vietnamese war (like number of people that died in the war, number of weapons used,etc). After reading an article from my new favourite blogger (check here) about the kids in Korea that lack creativity and they are usually depressed it totally touched me. The same is happening here! My colleagues do jobs for really small amount of money that doesn´t make them happy and they are brough up in this "system" so they don´t feel it like a huge problem and they don´t plan to change that (most of them). 

So to continue my story I went to that school, I think it was kind of public school, not like these fancy language centers. A bell rang in the end of class like in primary school. When I entered that class started to ask me like million questions (from where I am from, through my marital status, to my best friend) in the end I even gave them my facebook I just couldn´t not give it to them. They were so interested like as I would be if I saw an allien. The compliments about my beautiful BLONDE hair (like seriously this broom is definitelly not nice) to my big eyes (a girl asked me if I was tired because my BIG eyes are getting smaller). The thing I didn´t like was that they seem to feel less pretty, less interesting according to their criteria. I asked them the same questions that they asked me, because I was also interested in their opinions and lifes but they replied me with another question about me.  These guys (they were different age) spoke english very well (some of them better than my managers) but they felt not good enough to speak. In the begining of every conversation they usually excuse themselves about their bad english. So I decided to go there more often to make this people not to by shy to speak english and their opinions (hopefully I won´t end up like Bridget Jones for this mission).    

Minulý ťýždeň ma jedna kamka poprosila či by som nešla s ňou do jednej jazykovej školy porozprávať sa so študentami lebo oni väčšinou nemajú príležitosť rozprávať sa s cudzincom. Myslela som si, šak dobre aspoň mám čo robiť v stredu večer. No tento zážitok sa stal tým najzaujímavejším oči-otvárajúcim aký som tu zatiaľ zažila. (neviem či slovné spojenie oči-otvárajúci je podľa pravidiel slovenského pravopisu ale neviem to preložiť a šak Matica Slovenská mi to odpustí, nie?)

Na začiatok Vám vysvetlím ako to tu funguje v školskom systéme. Deti chodia do školy a mimo školských aktivít celý deň. Možno to znie pekne ale mimoškolské aktivity zahŕňajú extra hodiny matematiky, chémie, angličiny atd. No bežne to nie sú predmety, ktoré si deti vyberú, ale ktoré im ich rodičia vyberú bez toho aby pozerali v čom sú deti dobré a v čom by mohli excelovať. Keď som bola ja malá/mladšia moji rodičia ma tiež podporovali v mimoškolských aktivitách, chodila som na plávanie, tancovanie, angličinu, ruštinu, moje slávne trojtréningové pôsobenie vo vodnopólovom tíme, no nikdy ma netlačili do niečoho čo som sama nechcela. Tuto rodičia nemajú moc čas na svoje deti (a mám trošku pocit, že ho ani nechcú mať), tak svojím ratolestiam vymyslia plány na celé dni. No podľa môjho názoru deti skôr potrebujú pekný čas s rodičmi ako s knihou matematiky a to im dá do života oveľa viac. Moja kolegyňa mi včera hovorila ako ju jej mam nútila študovať účtovníctvo pritom ona neznášala matematiku a tá práca sa jej zdala úplne nudná a nevedela si predstaviť tak pracovať (malo to šťastný koniec a robí prácu, čo ju baví). Iné dievča mi hovorilo ako sa v škole musela naspamäť učiť čísla o vietnamsko-americkej vojny, ako počet zbraní, mŕtvych a podobne. Potom ako som si prečítala článok na blogu mojej novonájdenej obľúbenej bloggerky (pozri tuto) ako deti v Kórei sú v depresii a nemajú žiadnu kreativitu úplne sa ma to dotlko. To isté sa deje tu! Moji kolegovia pracujú za veľmi málo peňazí a nie sú šťastní. Najsmutnejšie je, že oni sú tak zvyknutí na tento "systém", že to nevidia ako problém a nejak to neplánujú meniť (väčšina z nich). 

Ale aby som pokračovala môj príbeh išla som teda do tej školy. Nebola to žiadna z tých cool jazykových škôl, zvonil tam zvonček na konci hodiny ako na základnej škole. Keď som vstúpila, všetci sa ma začali pýtať na všetko (od veku, cez moje vzťahy po moju najlepšiu kamošku) nakonci som im ešte aj facebook dala lebo jednoducho som nemohla povedať nie. Citíla som sa asi jak to najzaujúmavejšie stvorenie na svete. Komplimenty o mojich krásnych blond vlasoch (akože táto metla na mojej hlave nie je moc krásna) po moje krásne veľké oči (jedna slečna sa ma spýtala či som unavená lebo že moje oči sa zmenšili). To čo sa mi nepáčilo bolo, že mi prišlo ako keby sa oni cítili, že sú menej zaujímaví ako ja. Ja som sa ich vypytovala na tie isté otázky čo oni mňa, ale oni my často odpovedali novou otázkou, ale mňa tiež zaujíma ich život a názory. Tí žiaci (boli rôzneho veku)  hovorili veľmi dobre po anglicky (niektorí lepšie ako moji manageri), ale veľmi sa hanbili rozprávať a vždy keď niečo išli povedať tak sa ospravedlnili za zlú angličinu. Tak som sa teda rozhodla, že budem do tej školy chodiť častejšie a donútim tých ľudí nech sa toľko nehanbia a nech sa prejavia (dúfam, že neskončím ako Bridget Jones za tieto moje snahy)  

Yours Veronika

PS:  My biggest fan (hey Djudju <3) asked me to write more often so I decided to write more shorter posts about one topic I found interesting. Do you prefer it this way? And it would be nice if you can comment down there so I don´t feel like writing for a computer.  

And to more positive note this is very famous song in Vietnam currently!
A jedna momentálne populárna pesnička vietnamská!

sobota 19. července 2014

How I became an oversize person.

Last week I went to shop. There was a sale for shoes (something like 1 euro for a pair), of course I had to check it. I saw a beautiful pair of shoes. I started to look for my size. NOTHING! After few minutes of search I found one horrible looking pair of my size shoes that look like shoes for giant in the sea of small baby doll shoes. When I told this story to my boss she told me that I had very large feet. Thanks, madam! This is a completely new situation for me. I am tall for the first time in my life :D Not like the huge type of people that have to buy two seats in plane but when I talk with people they look UP when talking with me! Ok this was just my reflection of something unbelievable for me :) 

Today I woke up and I couldn´t log in on facebook. You know when you are far away from your natural environment and you miss everybody and everything including hens of your grandmother, you really need the morning check-in of their online lifes just to know that they live happilly. I always thought that this was just an urban legend about FB not working in Vietnam. Trully the quality is very poor in regular days but this has been (and still is while I am writing this post) the first time it doesn´t work at all. According to some agreements (blablabla....something with human rights... I really don´t know) the country can not shut down FB/Twitter/other social sites I don´t know just like that. But the vietnamese government (or some institution that take care of this stuff) says that they have problems to connect to american servers. I hope you understood my explanation and I am sorry if I don´t reply you for longer period but it is not me but the horrible american servers! 

Otherwise life is going great here! I have started to work. Trully I don´t have much work, but we went to meet customers two times and it was pretty cool. My task is to make them speak english. So I usually attend one and half hour meetings where they speak english first 15 minutes and then they pass to vietnamese and I am just sitting there. Give me few more weeks and I will be fluent in vietnamese I guess. 

Everybody is extremelly nice to me and want to be friend with me. I am still feeling like a superstar. Yesterday one girl came to me when I was sitting in a park and asked me if she could talk with me to practice her english. The same happens at work. People just come to me say "hello how are you" I reply "Great, thanks and you?" then they smile and go away because that was all they know in english. I am really affraid that I would speak like my favourite chinesse girl when I come back home!    

Some interesting things that happen (or I found out) this week:
  • I don´t freak out when I have to cross the street (explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYAQ6fd5wMw)
  • It is cheaper to eat outside than make your own food at home (but sometimes I really need non-asian food, hello McDonalds!)
  • When someone in Vietnam tells you go right, go left! No one knows where the place you are looking for is, but they want to help you so badly that they tell you stupidity just to make you feel good. (I would like to thank for my yesterday one hour walk)
  • I have started to feel that there is not such a thing like no people on the street and Denmark was just an illusion and everybody wears invisible cloaks there.  
  • There are no normal postcards in the shops, so you should look forward what will arrive in your mail boxes :P
Minulý týždeň som šla nakupovať. Vidím pred sebou veľký nápis, že výpredaje (topánky za asi 1 euro, no nekúp to!), tak sa tam rozbehnem, začnem sa prehrabávať, že nájdem svoje číslo a NIČ. Tak idem čeknúť iné regále, tam na mňa svieti OBROVSKÁ topánka číslo 38 (úplne škaredá). Keď som tento príbeh hovorila mojej managerke tá mi povedala, že mám veľkú nohu. Díky kámo! Celkovo sa tu cítím ako veľmi veľká osoba. Prvýkrát v mojom celom živote ľudia pozerajú hore keď sa so mnou rozpávajú. Je to celkom čudné, keďže väčšinou som to ja čo si musí doniesť rebrík aby na niekoho dočiahla :D

Dneska ráno som sa zobudila, otvorím si počítač a nejde mi facebook. Keďže som niekde úplne ďaleko od domova a cítim potrebu byť v kontakte s ľudmi a vedieť čo sa deje vo vašich krásnych facebookových životoch. Ja som si celkom myslela, že to sú iba také rozprávačky, ale ono sa to naozaj deje. Vietnamská vláda to vysvetľuje tým, že sa nedá napojiť na nejaký americký server alebo čo, no zaujímavé. Čítala som, že to je proti ľudským právam, sloboda prejavu a slova (alebo niečo také).

Ináč je to všetko super. Už som začala pracovať. Popravde nemám moc práce. Dvakrát sme boli navštíviť zákazníka, to bolo super, ale ináč len pomáham každému a vkuse sa pýtam, čo mám robiť. Fakt nemám rada tieto druhy práce keď nemáš čo robiť, tak aspoň mám čas písať môj internship project. Mojou úlohou je donútiť ich rozprávať po anglicky. Preto sa bežne zúčastňujem hodinu a pol dlhých porád, kde rozprávajú prvých 15 minút po anglicky a potom prejdú do vietnamčiny. Dajte mi pár týždňov a budem plynulá vo vietnamčine. 

Všetci sú na mňa extrémne milí a chcú byť so mnou kamoši! Začínam si zvykať na tento superstar život. Včera si ku mne prisadlo dievča v parku, že by sa chcelo so mnou po anglicky rozprávať. Bolo to strašne milé! V robote sa mi stáva to isté, že každý ku mne chodí povie mi "Hello, how are you?" ja odpovediem "Great, thanks and you?" a potom sa len usmievajú lebo nerozumejú. Celkom sa bojím ako budem ja rozprávať po anglicky po tomto pobyte.

A ešte pár zaujímavostí čo som zistila alebo zažila tento týždeň:
  • už sa nebojím prechádzať cez cestu (vysvetlenie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYAQ6fd5wMw)
  • je lacnejšie ísť sa najesť von ako pripraviť si to doma (ale niekedy fakt potrebujem iné ako ázijské jedlo, hello McDonalds)
  • ak vám tu niekto povie choďte doprava choďte určite doľava. Oni väčšinou sami nevedia, kde sa čo nachádza ale chcú pomôcť, tak vám povedia blbosť len aby niečo povedali :D (touto cestou sa chcem poďakovať za moju hodinovú včerajšiu prechádzku!)
  • začínam mať pocit, že Dánsko a takmer žiadni ľudia na ulici bola len ilúzia a všetci tam nosia neviditeľné plášte
  • je priam nemožné tu kúpiť pekné pohľadnice, tak sa tešte čo pristane vo vašich schránkach ;)

Have a very nice week!

Yours Veronika

Pho soup/ Pho polievka

Moving food/ Hýbajúce sa jedlo

My colleagues/ Moje kolegyne

Post office / Pošta

Theatre/ Divadlo

In the war museum/ V múzeum vojny

Notre Dame in Ho Chi Minh

sobota 12. července 2014

Hello there!

As I promised you all back home I will try to keep in touch with you and you can keep in touch with my adventure through this blog :)

So I have successfully landed in Vietnam! (proof: see picture) I promise to send more pictures, but I feel kind of weird to take pictures of random people on the street, I will try to overcome that feeling I promise!

My trip was looong and funny. A very funny taxi driver (in Budapest!!! I may give Budapest 100th chance to prove that it is not a bad place in the end, maybe) took me to the airport and he was telling me how my mum was sad in Bratislava because I was leaving. As I traveled with russian airline (completelly safe really!) the plane from Budapest was packed with russians and there were kind of strong turbulancies. So every time the plane moved someone started to yell. It sounded like when they cheer with vodka but more in a scary way. At the airport in Moscow I found some vietnamese family and we were looking for the gate together because the airport was huge. Their son invited me to visit them in Vietnam, so I inconspicuously escaped.

It has been crazy here. Like not in a bad way but just all the things that are happening. After one year in Denmark when I was sometimes hoping to meet people on the street just to see human being (and let´s face it, people in Denmark are not one of the easiest people to approach and talk from time to time ;)) I moved to a place where people stare at me, yell at me, touch me and are friends with me just by seeing me. 

Story to prove.

I decided to go for a walk near the river. As I was walking and some random guy came to me, shaked my hand and told me "friends, friends". On my way I found the most difficult obstacle in form of the biiiig highway. As there was no place to cross it after like one kilometer (or something like that, you know that I am very bad in this meter/temperature/kilos/age/sometimes gender guessing) I decided to change plans and explore neigbourhood. I got lost like five times. After two hours of wandering around the place I found my street! YUPIII! At that time I was totally exhausted by all the staring, I really don´t know how this famous stars can deal with that. I have to learn from them :) I was very hungry so as a true foreigner I ended up in KFC which doesn´t taste as our KFC chicken so I basically tried mixture of vietnamese and american taste together (but I bought some not-known-for-me fruits in shop so I compensate it with that :D). 

I have already checked some places in the city center. Actually I was planning to go for some sightseeing today but as I am here for rainy season it is raining a lot! I don´t know exactly how much because my room doesn´t have a window (but I am changing room in 2 weeks that has balcony and is totally cool so I will send picture of this cool place rather than this one) and there is not window in the building I can check the rain.

Funny facts that really surprised me:
  • They sell animals on the street! dogs, cats, birds are those I have seen. I feel kind of sorry for these small animals in really small cages, I just hope I won´t buy any because their sad eyes are really convincing (of course not bird´s eyes, but the doggie and even cute kittens)
  • I saw rooster ín the parking place. I tried not to freak out! 
  • When I was changing the money in the bank, the woman was calculating it on a paper with a calculator.
  • There is music playing everywhere. I like it!
  • When you go to shop you have to put your bag in a bag-keeping place, you take only your wallet and you go shopping. In the end they pack all your stuff and you go. Nice, but this will make me lazy back in Europe, specially in Slovakia where if you are not quick enough people start to be very nervous about that!
Ako som Vám sľúbila budem sa snažiť udržiavať kontakt cez tento blog. 

Tak som šťastne priletela do Vietnamu. (obrázky ako dôkaz na konci). Pokúsim sa fotiť viac, ale mám taký čudný pocit fotiť náhodných ľudí na ulici akoby boli nejaké opičky alebo čo.

Celá cesta bola veľmi dlhá ale zato zábavná. V Budapešti som cestovala s veľmi vtipným taxikárom, ktorý mi hovoril o tom ako sa o mňa moja mamička doma bojí (mami neboj všetko je úplne ok!). A keďže som cestovala s ruskými aerolinkami, lietadlo bolo plné rusov a boli silné turbulencie. pri každom pohybe niekto zakričal, takým tým ruským spôsobom keď pijú vodku a tancujú kalinku len viac vystrašene. Na letisku v Moskve som si našla kamarátov, vietnamskú rodinku, a spolu sme našli východ lebo to letisko je obrovskééé! Nakonci ma ich syn pozval na návštevu tak som sa radšej nenápadne presunula, lebo on sa až moc nápadne posúval ku mne.

Zatiaľ je to tu také v dobrom šialené. Keďže po roku v Dánsku, kde som si sem tam želala aby som niekoho na ulici stretla som sa presunula na miesto kde ľudia na mňa kričia, chytajú sa ma, volajú na mňa.

Taký príbeh zo včera!

Rozhodla som sa ísť na prechádzku k rieke. ako si tak idem príde za mnou chlapec, zatrasie mi rukou že "friends, friends". Ďalej som na tejto púti postretla prekážky ako veľkú diaľnicu vďaka ktorej som sa teda k tej rieke nedostala lebo po asi kilometri (tak cca) kráčania som nenašla žiadny prechod, nadchod, podchod no nič. Tak ale to ma neodradilo tak som sa rozhodla preskúmať okolie. Asi päťkrát som zablúdila a nakoniec som našla moju ulicu. A keďže som bola už totálne vyčerpaná z toho pokrikovania rozhodla som sa ísť ako pravý cudzinec-objaviteľ najesť do KFC. Ale KFC vôbec nechutí ako naše KFC takže to nakoniec bol taký mix vietnamského a amerického jedla (ale kúpila som si v obchode také ovocia, čo ani neviem ako sa po slovensky povedia takže to sa kompenzuje!)

Už som bola aj v centre. Aj dneska som tam plánovala ísť, ale začalo pršat a prší. Ale keďže nemám okno a v celej budove nie je okno kde by to bolo vidieť, neviem ako veľmi prší len to počujem :D Ale za dva týždne sa presťahujem do veľmi peknej izby s balkónom! 

Pár zaujímavostí:
  • Na ulici predávajú zvieratá! mačiatka, psi, vtáčiky. Je mi ich strašne ľúto tak pozerajú tými malými očkami na mňa, dúfam že mi to nebude natoľko ľúto, že si nejakého kúpim (mami tešíš sa? :D)
  • Na parkovisku bol kohút! prežila som to našťastie!
  • Keď som si bola zameniť peniaze pani v banke to všetko vypočítala na papier a kalkulačkou.
  • Všade hrá hudba!
  • Keď idem do obchodu musím odložiť svoju tašku na takom miesto odkladacom. Zoberiem si peňaženku a idem nakupovať. Nakonci mi zbalia celý nákup a idem si domov. 

Sending all my love 
Posielam pusinky


Discovering neighbourhood
Objavovanie okolia

That big highway I couldn´t cross (like 1/4 of that highway)
Tá ulica čo som nevedela prejsť (teda štvrtina tej ulice)

Garden near pagoda at my street
Záhrada pri pagode na mojej ulici