úterý 26. srpna 2014

How we went for a trip to Mekong delta

As usually during my two days free weekends we decided to go for a trip. In the beginning I want to recommend to all of you, dear people, who will in any circumstances appear in Vietnam to go for a trip to Mekong delta.

We booked our trip in one agency in downtown area for a really funny price. We came to the meeting place at 8 am in our morning mood (aka I just want to sit here and listen to music and finish my sleep mood). But as usually plans don´t go your way and we met "MA FAMILY" our tourguide, the happiest man at 8am. In the very beginning he told us that we were travelling as a big family so he usually yelled at us "Ma family kooom hir" (Vietnamese accent transcription). I told myself that I would believe that this is him and not just the role he made to entertain tourists. So he was basically talking all our way, in some point he finally stopped talking I guess but in that time I had already had headphones in my ears.

Our first stop was a handcraft centrum. It was pretty cool and the things they made from the eggshell were beautiful. They basically paint pictures using the eggshell. I think it is not very expensive when you consider the fact that it is handmade and these poor people work on sunday morning and we crazy tourist come there to stare at them while they are working. But "ma family" had fixed time for us so we continued to the next stop.

The next stop was pagoda with huge fat happy Budha (but I doubt that the Budha was more happy than our tour guide). Ma family tolds us to ask for good boyfriend (girlfriend) there because that Budha will help us to find him (her). But he also mentioned that he went there pretty often but that Budha still hasn´t given him good girlfriend so I don´t know where the problem is.

Then we took a boat that took us to the first island. They produced a special coconut candy there. It wasn´t like the best thing I have ever eaten but it was tasty. They had this special offer to buy 5 packages and get one free! The excursion continued with a ride in horse wain around a village.

We moved to the next island to eat and relax in hammacks or really activite people ride a bike. We saw crocodiles, there was also possibility to eat them actually but I didn´t. We passed through a narrow typical bridge passing above a lake with that crocodiles. 

After a break we moved to the next island to taste another typical thing and it was honey with some seeds. it was very good and healthy as everything in Vietnam. There was small garden with anaconda behind that restaurant. And when they asked who wants to take picture with that anaconda I thought what a great opportunity and jump for it as a first volunteer. It was kind of funny feeling mostly that the anaconda was alive and moving around me, I kind of didn´t consider this fact before taking her onto my shoulders. 

Then we moved to another island to listen to some vietnamese music sang by vietnamese women and eat some typical fruit. The preformance was ended with the song "if you happy and you know it...", very vietnamese experience. The last stop was a ride in a small boat down Mekong river. It was very nice they gave us that typical vietnamese hats. 

Then we went home with this extraordinary experience.

Ako obyčajne cez moje víkendy keď mám dva voľné dni sme išli na výlet. Tentokrát sme si vybrali krásne miesto, ktoré každému návštevníkovi Vietnamu odporúčam - deltu Mekongu.

Zabookovali sme si tento výlet v jednej cestovnej agentúre v centre mesta za veľmi smiešnu cenu. Ráno sme prišli na miesto stretnutie o 8 v rannej náladičke (dajte mi sluchadká do uší a pokojné miesto na dokončenie spánku nálada). Ale ako obyčajne všetko nejde podľa plánu a stretli sme najveselšieho muža o 8 ráno, nášho "Ma Family" sprievodcu. Hneď na začiatku nám povedal, že dneska cestujeme ako jedna veľká rodina preto na nás stále pokrikoval "Ma family kooom hir" (pridajte si tam vietnamský akcent). Ja som sa rozhodla veriť mu, že toto je jeho pravé ja a že to nie je len jeho divadlo pre turistov. Rozprával celú cestu, zdá sa mi, že sa na chvíľu aj zastavil, ale to som mala už slúchadlá v ušiach.

Prvé miesto bolo centrum, kde ručne vyrábali obrázky zo škrupín vajíčok. Tie obrázky boli prekrásne. Čo ma šokovalo bola cena, lebo na to, že títo ľudia ich tam vyrábali v nedeľu ráno a my turisti sme na nich pritom pozerali, bola cena veľmi nízka! Ale keďže "ma family" mal presne stanovený čas na túto aktivitu pohli sme sa ďalej.

Ďalšou zastávkou bola pagoda v veľkým šťastným Budhom (ale určite tento Budha nebol šťastnejší ako náš sprievodca). Ma family nám povedal, aby sme si tam vypýtali dobrého frajera (frajerku) a tento Budha nám ho (ju) pomôže nájsť. Tiež spomenul, že on tam chodí už veľmi dlho a pýta si ju, ale stále mu ju ten Budha nedal tak neviem kde sa stala chyba.

Potom sme sa už nalodili na lodičku a išli na prvý ostrov. Tam nám ukázali ako sa vyrába typická kokosová sladkosť. Chutilo to dobre, ale nejak ma to extrémne neohúrilo. Mali sme možnosť využiť super akcošku kúp 5 balíčkov a jeden dostaneš zadarmo. Potom nás vzali na okružnú jazdu v koči po typickej dedine.

Na ďalšom ostrove sme sa najedli a mali sme čas na oddych v húpacích sieťach alebo aktívni ľudia sa mohli voziť na bicykli. Tiež tam bolo jazero s krokodílmi a možno tieto krikodíli zjesť. Ja som si len prešla cez taký tenučký typický mostík cez to jazero.

Po oddychu sme na ďalšom ostrove ochutnali medový nápoj so semiačkami. Bolo to zdravé ako všetko vo Vietname prakticky. Za touto reštauráciou bola veľká anakonda. Miestna pani sa spýtala, kto si chce túto anakondu dať na krk. Sámoška som bola prvý dobrovoľník. No nejak mi nedošlo, že anakonda je živá a hýbe sa, tak som sa trochu zľakla, keď sa zrazu začala okolo mňa ovíjať.

Na ďalšom ostrove nám dali ovocie a popritom nám mieste ženy speivali typické vietnamské pesničky, ktoré ukončili pesničkou "if you happy and you know it...". Potom sme sa nalodili na takú malú lodičku a plavili sme sa po rieke.

Po tomto zážitku sme už unavení išli domov.



The happy "MA FAMILY" tour guide

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